Friday 10 February 2012

Need to Teach? Try Show & Tell

As a leader, how do you build capacity among your staff members?

How many times have you trained a colleague in a task, only to have that person come knocking on your door every five minutes with a question?   Building the capacity of your staff members is a key leadership role.  People learn and build their capacity by watching and engaging with others, so instead of telling people how to solve a problem, show them and tell them. Take them through each step, explaining your thinking and the reasons behind each. Then allow them to ask as many questions as needed. This will not only give them the foundation they need to do the task, but will prompt you to master the task more deeply as you provide a justification for each step.  And keep the office door open.  If there are further questions, you want to be there to lend a hand. 

Adapted from "The Best Approach to Training" by Richard Catrambone.

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