Tuesday 5 April 2011

Sustainable Leadership

As a leader, in what ways are you building sustainable leadership in your organization?

Beyond the revolving doors of leadership that plague many systems today, sustainable leadership builds capacity and develops leadership succession in a dynamic and integrated strategy of change.  The seven principles of sustainable leadership are a fundamental part of the Fourth Way.

  1. Depth - of purpose in developing student learning
  2. Breadth - so this purpose and its achievement are a shared and distributed responsibility
  3. Endurance - over time
  4. Justice - in attending to all students' learning and achievement
  5. Resourcefulness - in using financial resources and human energy
  6. Conservation - in connecting future visions to past traditions
  7. Diversity - of curriculum, pedagogy, and team contributions
From: The Fourth Way by Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley
Published by: Corwin, OPC - Ontario Principals' Council, and NSDC - National Staff Development Council

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