Four Agreements of Courageous Conversations
- Stay engaged
- Experience Discomfort
- Speak Your Truth
- Expect and accept non-closure
STAY ENGAGED: To stay engaged is to not let your heard and mind "check out" of the conversation. ...Collective disengagement also exists in schools. When a dramatic racial achievement gap persists, the children of the school pay the ultimate price for the adults' unwillingness to engage in difficult interracial dialogue.
EXPERIENCE DISCOMFORT: The Courageous Conversation strategy...asks participants to agree to experience discomfort so that they can deal with the reality of race in an honest and forthright way.
SPEAK YOUR TRUTH: Speaking your truth means being absolutely honest about your thoughts, feelings, and opinions and not just saying what your perceive others want to hear.
EXPECT AND ACCEPT NON-CLOSURE: ...the solution is revealed in the process of dialogue itself. ... If people expect and accept non-closure in racial discourse, then the more they talk, the more they learn; and the more they learn, the more appropriate and promising will be their actions and interventions.
From: Courageous Conversations about Race by Glenn Singleton and Curtis Linton
Published by: Corwin Press