Tuesday 3 May 2011

Constructivist Leadership

In what ways are you a constructivist leader?

...leadership can be understood as reciprocal, purposeful learning in a community.  Reciprocity helps us build relationships of mutual regard, thereby enabling us to become colearners. And as colearners, we are also coteachers, engaging each other through our teaching and learning approaches.  Adults as well as children learn through the processes of inquiry, participation, meaning and knowledge construction, and reflection.

As leaders, we must bear in mind the learners' views, challenge their beliefs, engage them in assessments that take into account the complexities of the broader context (e.g. learning beyond the classroom), and construct meaning and knowledge through reflection and dialogue.

Constructivist Leaders
  • Seek and value teachers' points of view
  • Structure the concept of leadership to challenge teachers' belief systems
  • Construct meaning through reflection and dialogue
  • Structure the life of the school around the Big Picture, not a singular event or small piece of information
  • Assess teacher learning in the context of the complexity of the learning organization, not outcomes of isolated events

From:  Leadership Capacity for Lasting School Improvement by Linda Lambert
Published by: ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)

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