Monday 16 May 2011

Starting Point for Improvement - Part 1

As a leader, how do you establish your starting point for improvement?

Nearly all of the success stories involve improvements in literacy and numeracy at the elementary level, with some closing of the gap between high- and low-performing schools.  The findings are consistent across many studies.  Togneri and Anderson's (2003) study of success in five high-poverty districts identified six strategies for improvement.  These districts

  1. Acknowledged publicly poor performance and sought solutions (building the will for reform)
  2. Focused intensively on improving instruction and achievement
  3. Built a systemwide framework and infrastructure to support instruction
  4. Redefined and redistributed leadership at all levels of the district
  5. Made professional development relevant and useful
  6. Recognized there were no quick fixes
From: Leadership & Sustainability by Michael Fullan
Published by: Corwin Press & OPC (Ontario Principals' Council)

1 comment:

  1. Number 6 really struck me - No quick fixes. I think too often we think that there are quick fixes if we get just the right training or just the right resources. No quick fixes speaks to me about understanding the complexity of our work, an understanding of the change process, and a deep understanding of human behaviour.
