Tuesday 17 May 2011

Starting Point for Improvement - Part 2

As a leader, how do you determine what is important when determing your starting points for improvement?

In another study of four successful high-poverty districts, Snipes, Doolittle, and Herlihy (2002) found that these districts in comparison with other districts

  1. Focused on achievement, standards, and instructional practice
  2. Created concrete accountability systems in relation to results
  3. Focused on lowest-performing schools
  4. Adopted districtwide professional development and support for consistent implementation
  5. Drove reform into the classrooms by defining the role for central offices of guiding, supporting, and improving instruction at the building level
  6. Committed themselves to data-driven decision making and instruction
  7. Started the reform at the elementary level
  8. Provided intensive instruction in reading and math to middle and high schools students

From: Leadership & Sustainability by Michael Fullan
Published by: Corwin Press & OPC (Ontario Principals' Council)

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the words: focus, commitment, and data-driven. These really resonate for me even though I am not leading at a system level.
